Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
Your IP Address has been banned. You have enter an incorrect control number too many times.
Dry Run Meeting
This page is for review of format and content and also for a "dry run" of the Virtual Shareholder Meeting. The date and telephone access (if telephone was selected as an option) are for the dry run. The live meeting will have different date and phone codes. If you are a presenter for the dry run, look for an email with your access details and instructions.
If you don't hear voices or background music - the webcast below may be paused. Use the play button ![](../images/vsm-playbutton.png) to start the webcast and then check your device's volume. For more help: [CLICK HERE]
NOTE: replay capability will be disabled for the live meeting
The below replay will not exist on the production page as replay capability has been disabled. It is on this dry run only as a way to check audio quality.
Test your sound before the meeting: [ CLICK HERE ] to test your system to make sure you will be able to hear the webcast before the meeting starts.
Your local time does not match the server time, and the meeting may start earlier or later than indicated by the counter. Please check your local time.
The virtual shareholder meeting is about to start or has already started. Please login below.
Please enter your control number, name, and email to view the live virtual shareholder meeting
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
The control number you entered was invalid. Please try again below
Login errorYou are already logged in or have attempted to log in too many times. Please view the meeting on your other device.
Registration errorPlease contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373
You are attending this meeting live. Be sure to have your volume up so you can hear the meeting. You can Log Out of this device and can Log In from another device at any time.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
Registration errorPlease contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373
Registration errorPlease contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373
You are registered and logged in to attend this meeting live. You can Log Out of this device and can Log In from another device at any time.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
The control number you entered was invalid. Please try again below
Registration errorPlease contact Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at 917-262-2373
You are registered to attend this meeting, return on this device at the meeting time. You can Log Out of this device and can Log In from another device at any time.
You are logged in, return on this device to attend the meeting live. You can Log Out of this device and can Log In from another device at any time.
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
The control number you entered was invalid. Please try again below
Registration is not yet open. Registration will open up on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or submit questions during the meeting,
or submit questions before or during the meeting,
or submit questions before the meeting,
you will need to enter
a valid control number (from your Proxy Card) or register with Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 at least 24 hours prior to the meeting time.
your name and email address.
Registration will allow you to submit questions before the meeting up to Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT).
If you wish to attend the meeting live
or ask questions during the meeting,
you will need to enter a valid control number (from your Proxy Card).enter your name and email address below.
Register to attend the meeting
To register, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To login, fill out these fields including the Control Number from your Proxy Card.below.
Register to attend the meeting
Enter your name and email below to register to attend the meeting.
You can also enter an optional Control Number (from your proxy card) if you want the ability to submit questions.
Note: multiple systems are checked to validate your control number. Some systems are only available on the actual day of the meeting. If you have trouble pre-registering, please try again on the day of the meeting.
Registration is closed, if you have already registered, Log In to the meeting
To Log in, enter your name and email below.
This meeting is concluded.
Special Meeting Replay (available soon)
The replay of the Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp. II Special Meeting will be available within 24 hours.
Special Meeting Replay (no longer available)
The replay of the Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp. II Special Meeting is no longer available.
Meeting Date & Time
Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Meeting Time: 10:00 am Eastern Time (EDT)
Listen to the meeting
Register and login at the time of the meeting to listen. If you have any trouble with your volume or other issues,
click here to get a phone number and a passcode to listen
to the meeting using your telephone.
PRESENTER NOTICE: the below telephone and passcode is for testing the investor view of the meeting. Presenters must use the Presenter Telephone and Passcode provided to you in an email.
(Audience telephone access) Within the U.S. and Canada:
1 888-965-8995 (toll-free)
Outside of the U.S. and Canada:
+1 415-655-0243 (standard rates apply)
Passcode for telephone access:
Attendee conference line
During the virtual meeting this telephone conference line will be available so attendees can speak with each other. This conference line can be used while also
listening to the meeting either on this webpage or the audience telephone access line.
Click here to see the phone number and passcode.
(Attendee conference line) Within the U.S. and Canada:
Outside of the U.S. and Canada:
(standard rates apply)
Passcode for telephone access:
Submit a question
You are logged in as a guest, but questions are limited to only investors with valid control numbers.
If you wish to submit questions, you can Log Out and try to login again with a control number from your Proxy Card or contact
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company at
917-262-2373 to do a legal proxy process and receive a temporary number to use.
Submit a question
Investors with valid control numbers (from their Proxy Card) can submit questions. Please fill out the “Register for the Meeting” form.
Questions can be submitted on this page starting Wednesday, October 20, 2021, at 10:00 am
Eastern Time (EDT)
and ending on Wednesday, October 27, 2021, at 11:00 am Eastern Time (EDT)
Submit a question
Investors with valid control numbers (from their Proxy Card) can submit questions. Please fill out the “Register for the Meeting” form.
Click here to review the Certified List of Record Holders
2021 Special Meeting Proxy Statement
Click here to read the Mountain Crest Acquisition Corp. II 2021 Special Meeting Proxy Statement in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). |
Click here to vote your proxy online. |
Special Meeting Voting
Proposal 1 - The Business Combination Proposal |
Proposal 2 - The Charter Amendment Proposal |
Proposal 3 - The Governance Proposal |
Proposal 4 - The Nasdaq Proposal |
Proposal 5 - The Directors Proposal |
Proposal 6 - The 2021 Stock Option and Incentive Plan Proposal |
Proposal 7 - The 2021 Employee Stock Purchase Plan Proposal |
Proposal 8 - The Adjournment Proposal |
You may vote by telephone (if you live in the United States) using the toll-free number shown on your proxy card. |
To vote by mail, complete, sign, and date the supplied proxy card and return it. |