How to be a VSM presenter

This page details everything you need to know to be a presenter in your Virtual Shareholder Meeting. You also have an assigned "meeting coordinator" who will email you directly the access information and tips.

1. What are the tasks of a presenter?

The only requirement for presenters is telephone access
  1. Dial-in using the supplied presenter telephone number and use the presenter passcode
    • Your presenter telephone access and passcode will be provided by your meeting coordinator in an email
    • Connect at the suggested time (usually 15 minutes before the on-air time for live meetings and just the normal meeting time for dry runs)
    • Note that phone number and passcodes are different for dry runs and live meetings
    • Please do not share the presenter telephone and passcode with anyone but presenters
  2. Manage your local audio quality level and sound
    • Once the meeting coordinator goes "on-air" then everything heard on the presenter telephone bridge will be broadcast live and in the replay
    • Use a landline instead of a cell phone for better audio quality if possible
    • You can mute your phone (using your normal phone controls) but please make sure you do not have on-hold music
    • Please mute your computer, cell phone, and other devices
  3. Ask any questions in your dry run meeting or to your meeting coordinator
    • The dry run meeting is there for you to try out the system, get an audio check, and ask any questions you may have
    • Feel free to reach out to your meeting coordinator as needed for additional help
    • You can also call EZOnlineDocuments at 973-236-1576 for additional support
  4. "...5...4...3...2...1..." [wait 5 seconds] (on-air)
    When you are ready, your meeting coordinator will do a countdown. Wait five seconds after the "1" count to give the webcast time to be setup. Also, let your meeting coordinator know the last sentence of your script and finally do a five second pause at the end. Your meeting coordinator will take the webcast off-air and let you know.

And... that's it! You do not need to use a web portal or page or anything else to be a presenter in your VSM.

2. How do I use the "calendar invite" (ics) file?

The email you receive from your meeting coordinator has an optional link to create a calendar file (ics). If you want to use it, there are a few steps you may need to follow:

  1. Calendar invite ICS files work for Outlook (and many other email clients). If you are not using Outlook, check with your email client software help to see if it can accept ICS files.
  2. Click on the calendar invite link and it should open in your browser.
  3. Your browser should initiate a download of a filename ending in .ics (such as "dryrun_invite-2020-05.ics") if you get a message asking if you should "KEEP" it, then click on keep.
  4. Open the downloaded ICS file (often appears in the bottom left of your browser and you can click on it).
  5. Once opened, you should get a meeting acceptance screen allowing you to review the meeting and add it to your calendar.

3. What should I do if there is a disruption in the meeting?

In the event of an unexpected issue such as a presenter dropping off the phone or other hiccup, the best option is to pause and recover to the point of continuing and then picking up from the script from a place in the script just before the disruption. Although the live webcast cannot be changed, the replay can be edited to remove these glitches as needed.

4. What is the process to use PowerPoint slides in my VSM?

We have an optional upgrade feature so a VSM can showcase PowerPoint slides timed with your script. If you are using that feature, here are some notes:

  • Please provide a draft PPT at least 24 hours before the dry run and the final PPT deck 48 hours before the live meeting.
  • Your meeting coordinator will be responsible for changing the slide. Please provide your script with indicators for when the slides should be changed. We suggest also adding to your script language such as "on the next slide I will discuss..." as an audio indicator during the meeting.
  • Do not have the dry run or live VSM page up while you are presenting. The webcast may run 5 to 30 seconds behind "real-time" and can be extremely distracting to presenters.
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
1 State Street   |   30th Floor
New York NY, 10004
917.262.2373   |   Shareholder Meeting & Proxy Services